O parlamentar Viktor Ilyukhin continua a pressionar as lideranças políticas da Rússia para a questão da falsificação dos documentos nos arquivos russos. Agora seus esforços são direcionados à Katyn, já que Medvedev e a Duma estão prestes a reconhecer o massacre de Katyn como um genocídio perpetrado pelos soviéticos. De acordo com Ilyukhin, a documentação utilizada para "provar" os supostos crimes soviéticos é falsificada.
Postarei aqui duas cartas escritas por Ilyukhin ao Presidente da Duma, Boris Gryzlov, e ao Presidente da Federação Russa, Dmitry Medvedev. As cartas estão em inglês. Além disso, postarei o link para o discurso de Ilyukhin na Duma no dia 26 de novembro, o qual ele diz que dentro de dez dias dirá concretamente quem foi a fonte das falsificações. O discurso e a página estão em russo, uma dica é traduzir a página para o inglês, dá para entender mais ou menos o que é dito.
O que é importante de destacar acerca destes documentos, é que Ilyukhin distribuiu o material acerca das falsificações para os parlamentares russos da Duma e que ele pede ao Presidente Medevedev que ele cobre um posicionamento dos poloneses acerca do massacre de 80.000 prisioneiros de guerra soviéticos em 1920 pelas autoridades polonesas. Ilyukhin pede até que seja feito um monumento às vítimas do terror polonês, assim como há o monumento às vítimas de Katyn. Além disso, Ilyukhin acusa publicamente grandes figuras da Rússia como o historiador militar D. Volkogonov e o chefe do Arquivo Estatal Russo, R. Pikhoya, dizendo que eles têm relação com a distorção dos fatos históricos relacionados a Katyn.
Agora é esperar os dez dias e ver quem são as fontes de todo o esquema de falsificação de arquivos, Ilyukhin diz que são pessoas com cargos importantes no Estado Russo. A situação tende a esquentar, e uma grande bomba pode cair nas mãos do Presidente Medvedev e das autoridades russas em geral. E agora? Será que os meios de comunicação ocidentais darão atenção a este caso? Ou simplesmente continuarão em silêncio absoluto sobre o assunto?
To the President of the Russian Federation
D.A. Medvedev
Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!
In early December this year you will pay an official visit to Poland.
There is no doubt, that during the discussions about the interstate relations the Polish side will once again raise the so-called “Katyn issue”, once again re-activated by western politicians in order to discredit the Russian people and to diminish the role of the Soviet Union’s victory in World War II. In addition, referring to the “Katyn case” has quite a specific task – to create a fertile ground for compensation claims against our country for the shooting of the Polish “elite of the nation.”
Despite the existence of irrefutable facts that disprove the conventional version of the shooting of 22 thousand Polish POWs by members of the NKVD of the USSR, attempts are being made in order to achieve recognition of this crime as genocide, with consequent presentation of claims to Russia about damage compensation to Poland in an amount currently exceeding more than 100 billion euros. There are already more than 70 lawsuits from the relatives of the murdered Poles present in the international court in Strasbourg, and there is no doubt that their numbers will grow.
Given the above, we express our hope, that during the upcoming visit to Poland our delegation will stand firm and will defend itself from being pulled into a discussion of this issue, which once again will be wittingly used in anti-Russian purposes.
As a counterbalance, we consider it possible to raise before the Polish side the question of clarifying the fate of 130,000 Red Army soldiers, who fell into Polish captivity in 1920. According to existing information, more than 80,000 people died from brutal treatment, hunger, mass diseases and executions, something that Poland, as we know, does not want to admit. Russia has the right to request permission to raise on their territory a monument to the victims of Polish terror, similar to the monument, that was raised to the Poles in Katyn.
On behalf of a group of Russian scientists – members of the Public Commission about Katyn
Vice-chairman of the Committee of the State Duma
for Constitutional Legislation
and State Construction,
Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor
V. I. Ilyukhin.
To the Chairman of the State Duma
of the Russian Federation
B.V. Gryzlov
Dear Boris Vyacheslavovich!
In connection with the discussion at the plenary meeting in the State Duma, on November 26, 2010, of the draft resolution “About the declaration of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “In Memory of the Victims of the Katyn Tragedy”, please issue an instruction to reproduce and to distribute among the deputies the draft notes, which formed the basis for the forgery of L. Beria’s letter to J. Stalin about the alleged reviewing of cases of Polish prisoners and applying to them the highest measure of punishment – the shooting. This letter and the forged extract from the decision of the Politburo of the AUCP(b) from March 5, 1940 are being used today by the enemies of Russia, who sacrilegiously present these as the main proof of Stalin’s and the Soviet leadership’s guilt in shooting the Poles near Katyn in the Smolensk region.
The falsification was carried out in the late 80′s – early 90′s of last century and it has been established by expert studies and other evidence.
It can be argued, that distortions of the events related to the Katyn tragedy were originally initiated by the well-known people in our country – A. Yakovlev, D. Volkogonov, V. Falin, R. Pikhoya and others.
Explanations will be given during the discussion of the draft resolution.
Attachment: on 4 pages.
Deputy of the State Duma V.I. Ilyukhin
Link para o discurso de Viktor Ilyukhin na Duma: http://kprf.ru/dep/85043.html
Fontes das cartas: http://mythcracker.wordpress.com/
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